Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Download Biology Problem for SMA

Biology Problem school exams made ​​is usually made about 40 (forty) about and apply only UAS SMA / MA Program IPA. Although relatively simple matter of biology is not such as physics, but there are also students who claimed to questions of biology tested is relatively difficult.

Biology Problem For SMA Class 12

Pras is failing in Biology subjects. Meanwhile, he scored above the average for other subjects in the UN. Besides mathematics, he also gets the value of 9.50 for the subjects Chemistry. For some other subjects were well above the value Pras passing standards.

Biology Problem For SMA Class 11

Biology Problem For SMA Class 10

Do not underestimate the Biology exam

Predicate graduation was not easily achieved. Although the value in one subject almost perfect, still pending graduation status if it fails on other subjects. At least, this is experienced by Prasetyo, SMAN 68 Salemba, Central Jakarta.

Pras, so he used to be called, scored 9.75 for the subjects of Mathematics. But what can I say, the value of its biology well below the passing standards. Students majoring in science is also to be patient in order to achieve the predicate passed by taking the national examination on May 11 to 13 next repetition.

He was shocked Biology exam time because many of the material that is beyond the material normally taught in schools. I also was shocked.

The shock was felt not only by Pras alone. The teacher at SMAN 68 Pras had no idea if Pras UN was forced to take tests. The reason, Pras including student achievement in school. "Its value is all that good. Mathematics alone can be 9.75. In fact, maybe if he was not dizzy with Biology exam, he could be ten in Mathematics," said one teacher at SMAN 68.

Pras is failing in Biology subjects. Meanwhile, he scored above the average for other subjects in the UN. Besides mathematics, he also gets the value of 9.50 for the subjects Chemistry. For some other subjects were well above the value Pras passing standards.

Pras addition, there are some students meet the same fate in SMAN 68. This year, SMAN 68 as one of the flagship schools in Jakarta are experiencing a decline in the number of graduate students. Carrying 11 students failed in taking the UN this year. Based on the record of academic and student affairs SMAN 68, almost all students pending graduation of this fact are those who belong have the ability above average.

"Indeed, in taking the UN that there are many factors that affect test results. There are exceptional students who are smart, but can fail on a number of subjects. This has many determinants," said Chief SMAN 68 Fadlulah Pono.

Just like Pras, something similar happens in Rahmi Sofiyati. Graduate students majoring in science is also forced to be delayed because of failure in one of the subjects. In fact, Rahmi is one of the intelligent student. Pono Rahmi enough to admit that the achievement and very surprising if Rahmi UN must take a test. "In fact, Rahmi has been accepted at the University of Gajah Mada," he said.

Overall, says Pono, a decline in graduation rates in the SMAN 68. However, this does not mean very disappointing because the average UN in SMAN 68 remains quite high. Noted, for example, the subjects of Mathematics in science and social studies majors total there are 11 children who received a perfect score or 10.

"Indirectly, these factors outside of academia can indeed affect the readiness of students. For example, in psychological problems. But, even this is not the end of everything. Students who fail the examination can still join the UN replications, and the predicate when the pass was the same with Other students who had graduated first, "he said.

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